12-20-2004, 09:19 AM
perf marrows in every way (ed skill str dex)
demonhorns' edge 2 all barb skills
demonharns edge, 3 warcry 1 mastery 3 combat
azurewrath 232 ed lvl 12 aura
shdow dancer 24 dex, everything else perf
i no the second demonhorn's pretty good so plz gimme estimate rune value
demonhorns' edge 2 all barb skills
demonharns edge, 3 warcry 1 mastery 3 combat
azurewrath 232 ed lvl 12 aura
shdow dancer 24 dex, everything else perf
i no the second demonhorn's pretty good so plz gimme estimate rune value