12-27-2004, 05:26 PM
If you play your cards right you could be rich with those rwords in about 2 weeks. When i was late to start the 2nd ladder season i quickly became richer than all my friends in 1 1/2 weeks. Im talkin with nigma coh hoto the works, now i just get what i want and when i want it. And also blizz half ****ed up, they made all this shit that would be amazing on a barb or pally but they left out the biggest part which kind of evens them out, Resists. Any barb or zealer that has dared take on my fireclawer has died miserably in 1 hit as always yet those people that arent so rich and use hoz etc stand a decent chance gainst him because they can survive a hit (Not often but possible). You have this amazing dmg but negative resists. Anyone is better off just balancing the 2. Also mercs are now amazing. Toss on a fortitude and the weapon of your choice and you got possiby a badass aura with a shitload of dmg. (My merc has 12k dmg at lvl 64)