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Best PvP
AznAvatar Wrote:This is where you use iron maiden, bone spirit and make use of your merc holy freeze aura

first of all, in a standard duel, mercs are not allowed. secondly, iron maiden has a weaker effect in pvp and does not compare with the life gained from life tap.

Lightning sorc can be dangerous, but ussually they cant take 1 hit from my clouster of skeletons.
Fire sorc is a matter of dodge and predict where she will tele. Get her withing the holy freeze aura, and she wil be slowed heavily.

Cold sorceress is a fact that they are hard @ss, so rely on your luck with spirits.

it usually only takes one shot from a lightning sorc to kill u. holy freeze and any form of slow does not affect casting speed, so it doesnt matter if u slow the sorc.

Rarely meet them, and their range on attack is so short, that casting bone spirits is no problem at all.:laugh:

they can teleport next to u u know, and wc barbs generally have a lot of fcr.

The same as with lightning sorceress, exep that they do lesser damage and have more life. Bone spirit is the key.

bone spirit doesnt lock on to a target if u're too far away. lightning sentries, however, can aim at targets outside of the screen. it's unlikely that u'll be able to efficiently aim bone spirit AND dodge lightning at the same time. also, if the trapper uses 2 claws, weapon block can block ur bone spirit. if the trapper really has to, she'll teleport around, making it even harder for u to hit her.

"I never sayd he would win vs. all, but he have a very high win% when in general."

i'm simply trying to prove that there is no best pvp char. u obviously think ur hybrid necro is the "best". ur win% really depends on who u duel, and if u're one of those ppl who go into games called "melee duels only" or "pally zeal pk", the outcome is obvious.

Nr.1: Merc are fully allowed in a duell, and if someone have a problem with that they shoud get their own.

Nr.2: Iron Maiden deliver 1/10 dmg back when they attack the necromancer, but if they attack the skeletons/Revives/Merc/Golem, then they will recive the full outcome back. (1125% in my case)

Nr.3: Lightning may kill me in one hit, but so does she if she get close to my skeletons.

Nr.4: Holy Freeze may not affect cast rate of lightning, but it does affect the speed of teleport if i renember correct.

Nr.5: I know warcry barbars can tele upon me, but they are an uncommon sight, and they ussually are no match for me.

Nr.6: Trappers are just a match of who can handle their character best and take chances.

There is only 2 characters i hate duelling with my character, and that is a teleporting hurricane/tornado druide and a lightning fury javazon with high dmg.

At the end i wanna add something we bouth can agree on.
In the blizzard games: Diablo, Diablo2, Starcraft, Starcraft Broodwar and the warcraft series.
Anyhow what you build or how you build it. No mather how good it might be, there will always be a counter for it.

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