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Scary/creepy story
ya but that other stuff well i gotta another one and this will be my last one

There was a family driving to the moms familes x-mas thing. Well the Father wants to try another

route and he starts to fall alseep. And almost collides into a car. Then he wakes up and everyone in

his family freaks out. Well they keep driving and talking about why he took this road and not the

highway. Then all of a sudden he stops. The mom ask what happend. The husband says he thought

he seen a women in a white dress so he starts to back and and he ask the women if she needs a

ride. she doesn't say anything. then the daughter says she will get out and let her ride. but her

boyfreind is scared and says no because they are in a weird place. Well she gets out and the weird

women gets in and they find out she has a baby but she will not talk. so they find a ranger station

and the husabnd goes inside to see if anyone ways in there the wif also fallows him. well the son

goes in the woods and whacks off to this porn picture he brought. and the women and the boyfreind

are still in the car. then the women talks and ask if he would hold her baby and he says ok. she says

the baby is kinda cold but she says its alright its dead. the boyfreind laughs and opens the cloth over

the babys face and the babys face is eaten up. Then everyone hears a scream the wife and hisabnd

run to the car and no one is there and the son runs there and no one is there so they start freaking

out. then the daughter is still waiting for the parnets to pick her up but then she sees a car and she

thought it was them then is goes right by her but really slow and she sees her boyfreind in the back

and starts to scream in horror then the family picks her up and she says that the car has him and

they ask what car and who she says this black car and her boyfreind was in the back of the of the

car. so they start driving fast to catch up to the car but they never find it. but they do find a baby

carraige in the middle of the road and the son gets out and looks in it and starts to get pulled in and

the family is freaking out and he starts to laugh cause there is nothing in the carriage so they push it

out of the road and drive away. well later they find the boyfreinds bodie on the side of the road and it

is tore to pices. then the daughter starts to freak out and goes into shock. They start to drive again

and they stop cause the see the women again well he starts to say the hell with it and the son walks

out in the woods and starts to toke up on a joint and then sees the women and she starts to kiss him

and bites off his lip well tears it off and he soooooooo high he does nothiing but sit there and she

takes off her clothes and her screams. well then they see the black car the daughter was talking

about and it had the son in the back of it so the sister comes back out of her shock. the mom starts

to chase it down. well they start to follow the car but then it gets foggy and the car is gone (so you

know this road is nothing but striaght) so they keep driving and they see the sons bodies on the side

of the road AGIAN well this time the mother goes insane and the dauhter and the father are the only

ones that are stright well they start driving again and the mom starts to say she can see ppl in the

woods and they say no you cant now sit down so she says now i am gonna go talk to them they say

no you cant she says yes i can they say no you cant she says yes i can so they say ok fine you can

and she says ok and open the door and jumps out so they stop and go back and they see the mom

and she laying on the ground and she gets up and says hi like she is ok and the dauther look at the

back of her head and it is wide open so the mom starts to touch her brian and she likes start to have

an orgasim while doing that then she falls down dead so they take off and they start to think that is

they cannot get out of here cause they have been going forever down this staright road they figure

then would go throuh the woods so te daughter and the father get out and walk trough the wodds and

the see a light and they start to yell help us and then they get out of the woods and it is there car

they start to freak out and they strt driving well after that they come next to the same ranger station

and the dad freaks out he says some one is playing tricks on them well then he gets out and trys to

see if the is a phone that works in the station so he goes in a the lights dont work so he lights a

match and then he walks in that match got to close to his finger so he put it out and lught a new one

then he............ started to walk again and that one went out then he lite another and he seen the

women and freaked out the daughter went inside and got the dad out of there so then they start to

drive and he freaks out then he ask where the liqour is and the girl said she trough it out long time

ago so he got mad because he was kinda phsyco then and he beat the crap out of her and put her in

the back and he locks the doors and gets a gun and he says to the women come on out and runs in

the woulds and trys to shoot her but she kills him then after that the girl wakes and see something is

walking around the car so she gets up and freaks out and starts to get out and run the she stops

dead in her tracks she sees 4 body bags and the car and the women comes up behind her and stays

the car is not here for you then the girl freaks out as the cars leaves

holy crap my finger hurt i have been writing stories this whole time for this page well that is the last one of the story i have for right now but tell me if it is any good

Messages In This Thread
Scary/creepy story - by Anferny - 01-14-2005, 07:06 AM
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