03-25-2003, 10:57 AM
Okay, I got some information on the 1.10 patch. There is a translation on diabloii.net, but here is a better one.
Translated by : Sashanan
And here is the original text, for those of you who want it.
Translated by : Sashanan
"What was the last time Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction was patched? That's right, 19th August 2001. Since then, the fanbase has waited for the announced patch v1.10, which by now has developed into something of a neverending story. But it looks like the wait is finally going to pay off.
As Blizzard front man Bill Roper has confirmed yesterday during a presentation at Vivendi Universal (summary available here at gamesurf.de), the upcoming patch is more like a second expansion. Apparently just about everything has changed - just the character classes and the acts are the same. From unique items and character skills to monster AI, the Californian manufacturer has changed just about everything that could be changed. A full test cycle for this patch is supposed to take about three weeks, and the bug fixing is making many such test cycles necessary. Special attention is paid to the problem of "duped" (illegally reproduced) items.
Before the E3 in May, the patch is supposed be finished. We'll just have to wait and see.
Garry Leusch, 21.03.2003"
And here is the original text, for those of you who want it.
"Wann wurde Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction das letzte Mal gepatcht? Richtig, das war am 19.08.2001. Seitdem wartet die Fangemeinde auf den angekündigten Patch 1.10, welcher sich inzwischen zu einer Art Neverending Story entwickelt hat. Aber so wie es scheint lohnt sich die ganze Warterei.
Wie uns Blizzard Frontman Bill Roper gestern während eines Events bei Vivendi Universal (in Kürze hier auf gamesurf.de) bestätigte, hat der kommende Patch eher den Charakter eines zweiten Expansion Sets. Geändert hat sich scheinbar alles, nur die Charakterklassen und die einzelnen Akte sind gleichgeblieben. Vom Unique Item über Charakter Skills bis hin zur Monster Intelligenz hat der kalifornische Hersteller so ziemlich alles umgekrempelt, was man nur umkrempeln kann. Ein kompletter Testlauf des Patches würde um die drei Wochen dauern und das Bugfixing mache viele viele solcher Testläufe notwendig. Besonders im Blickpunkt: das Problem der "gedupten" (illegal reproduzierten) Items.
Bis zur E3 im Mai soll das Thema allerdings gegessen sein. Warten wirs ab.
Garry Leusch, 21.03.2003"