01-18-2005, 09:07 PM
Tree surfing was 1 of the many stupid things I've done. I was at my cousins house cutting fire wood, once we cut the trees down, we would drag them back to his house with his truck to cut them into firewood. I decided it would be neat to ride one of the trees he was dragging, so I stood on some of the branches and held on to some others. Life was good... until a series of unfortunate events happened. Going across his field, he deciced it would be funny to speed up, about this time, the branches I was standind on, wore away from under my feet, well, rather than slide nicely along, my boots got traction and yanked my feet out from under me at about 35 mph. As you might guess, ouch. That happened 30 years ago, and I still have the scars on my knees to prove it.