02-04-2005, 01:53 PM
Anubis Wrote:Most kid's after a highschool football game are shitfaced.
What really make's you think at 21 your that much better prepared? I am honestly asking.
I dont think anyones "more prepared" for drinking and smoking at ANY age. The pace at which we mature differs from person to person so even if we up the age to 35yrs people will still be drinking irresponsibly. Its all a matter of will power.
There are those of us who know our limits and respect them by not crossing them or pushing them to far and then there are those of us who know we have limits but continously abuse ourselves by not only pushing the limit but breaking straight through it.
Personally I know my limit on drinking. I know how much I can handle in an hour time span before I get just plain shit-faced stupid. I've been out drinking from noon till dawn the following morning without ever truely getting plastered, note that I drink ONLY hard liquor with proof from 80 to 150 only, and then heading off to class with a really good buzz going. But there are always exceptions. There are those of us who just dont stop when our brain and our body tell us we've gone to far. Its those people that give everyone else the negative aura.
Maybe its the enviroment we grow up in or maybe its in our genes I honestly dont know but its a fact of life that no matter how long some people live they will just never be able to recognize when enough is enough. So you can go ahead and support increasing or decreasing the drinking age all you want but in the end it will accomplish nothing because when people want something bad enough they will do anything to get it and not stop until they do. So I say lets just ditch the age limit all together and let Darwin's law take over.
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem