02-09-2005, 08:09 AM
People quit *****ing its just points, its not life, if you plan on leaving because your too ***** to actually live without points then leave. Your making this place worse by wasting space. You guys are starting to sound like Nubli who plans on leaving the US because Bush came to power, well **** him he can leave, nobody will care. Points dont equal power on the site. People like Skidude and others became corrupt and decide they need that 17th enigma for their mule. Dyna is correct with this idea. Well if it was my decision I would say get rid of points system all together. All it does is **** off newcomers, Cause corruption of members, and increase the spam by people. Maybe just have it so that you can't donate to people or you cant change other peoples user titles if you want to keep it, unless of course ur a mod. Prevent Mod auctioning however, skidude will use the rest of his points because he would be able to donate if you don't. That would fix the point problem created, and leave people to have the freedom of having fun with their name.