02-09-2005, 11:07 AM
tripmonster Wrote:before i ask you should know that i do have a copy of my original exe file (im not a noob, hahahaha)Change your c3po options, and if your not using c3po i cant help you.
ok.. on Bnet/LAN games when i hostile someone or vice versa and leave town to duel my game automatically exits, no message, no nothing. char type, act, hack, none of thee things have anythign to do with it.
there are several hacks on my exe from random hack attempt of my exe (by me of course..) but nothing i coded for it has anything to do with hostiling someone or enter/leaving a "level".
has anyone experienced this? maybe its a chicken/hostile config error?? or just set to high?
this isnt a big problem since i dont duel, but there are the occassional people i would like to slaughter if i wanted to lol.