02-10-2005, 01:47 PM
account: Snoboy
Char:in making of once i get my items
looking for as followed
fire gcs
fire ball ormus wihr a 5/5 facet in it
resis/life/mana ne of those combined sc
ammy wiht str or resis and +3 to fire skills
also a great fcr with str lfie mana ty
whisper me on diablo, i should be on ne times between 4:00-8:30 arizona time
Char:in making of once i get my items
looking for as followed
fire gcs
fire ball ormus wihr a 5/5 facet in it
resis/life/mana ne of those combined sc
ammy wiht str or resis and +3 to fire skills
also a great fcr with str lfie mana ty
whisper me on diablo, i should be on ne times between 4:00-8:30 arizona time