02-22-2005, 06:57 PM
tahu13 Wrote:both barb and druid lifeohalic chars that rely on wolf/bear form are no good pvp, and killing things is a painA Werebear use casting skills, not weapon skill.
my barb has 5.3k life, 20k atack rating, and about 4000 damige and he can use ww
also he has about 18k defence i find this much more effective then just massing life
lifeohalic guys are good for fun but just arent practical
and i dont see how u can kill anything in hell with hoto flail as a wepon
Shock Wave do desent dmg, but stuns in 28 sec, wich is enough for every characters with good FHR to get a little stun.
Shockwave also sends out 5 strikes at one in different directions and dont have that short range.
The reason i piced it is because i cant get ATR witht he bear enought yo use maul, so SW is better.