02-18-2004, 11:31 AM
sniper77331 Wrote:hello!? on uber diablo u may use smite and/or get a barb to use concentrate... and oh ya if u die he regains health
hell yes he is real and u may have only 1 annihuls charm and the soj thingy is a counter in normal it counts up and in hell it counts down w?en it getaround zero he is about to show up and he is usually around in stoney by the portal to tristam and oh ya if he is not there he could be in the din or in any act u just have to look very hard... :mad: yes it get tireing looking for him but look at stoney first
See the thing is i was just now in a hell game for an hour and a half...and guess what....the counter went up not down...for about 100 sojs and then i got booted...so unless u were mistaken or my games just F**ked up my counter went up not down