03-18-2005, 04:55 AM
wol_leader Wrote:hi, i love the walkthrough and tips (etc...) but i use a macintosh so i use a horadric editor, when im editing my items and i make one, i dont know what to do with it, theres no option to put it down, and i tried exporting the code for these items and saving as (name of watever im making).d2i but i dont know what to do, it said it was compatible with jamella, but i cant download it, cuz im on a macintosh grr n e way how can i edit items and get them on my char with the horadric editor??????
If you make any item as faras I know you just export it and save as what ever name you like, then when wish to use it again just import into inventory...
moshman Wrote:hey guys i only just got H E and i dunno how 2 create a battlenet char if i can do this could some1 tell me how 2 thnx
Hero editor cannot be used to closed battle.net, only open battle.net[Single player]. Closed Battle.net chars are savedd on Blizzard's server. Trust me, that's a good thing.