03-31-2005, 05:23 PM
dacougarmech Wrote:i really hate people like christian fundamentalist groups that think they can take charge of anything because they are sent from god to improve our pagan livesYou are so unbelievably ignorant. Go back to the hole that you emerged from to make such a statement. Who's pagan? You are? Who else? Some people? "Hypocratic"??? Learn to spell buddy...In "their almighty bible" as if it is only there Bible and doesn't also belong to plenty of other less-religious people. You claim it is only religious fundamentalists who want this woman to stay alive. Wow, just stop now before you embarrass yourself.
and i notice that they are very hypocratic. they say that the life of schiavo should be placed in the hands of the parents but it clearly states in their almighty bible that in marriage, all ties are severed and blah blah blah something about the man and woman becoming one flesh
Now back to the issue at hand...are you supposed to believe that an "alleged" statement claiming that she wouldn't want to live out life as a quadriplegic vegetable after seeing a movie that focused on somebody who was one. Hmmm...is that all we have to use? Yes it is. What if you found out years later that Schiavo's husband killed her faster because he was to get remarried and didn't want to divorce her in this vegetative state because that would look bad? Would you rethink your stance? I surely would...
All I'm trying to say is that the husband's claims do not sound nearly clear enough to unplug a feeding tube and allow a woman to starve and dehydrate to death. Yes, she might not feel it, but this is still a very horrible way to kill someone. It is technically murder. Good day.