05-07-2005, 06:14 PM
back before the regular rd's came into play. yes bots lagged the server. jhj was designed to kill pindle as fast as possible. if u watch jhj at work the sorc appears to teleport in town or move faster then normal. each run lasted under a minute or so and with a massive amount of people using jhj at once, clicking create game at pretty much synchronized times, lagging the server was inevitable. now d2jsp bots have randomized delays attatched to them so i doubt they will be detected.
as for this new patch or serverside packet, i havent been on d2 in some time or downloaded it so its unfair for me to say anything about it.
as for botting i find if you have the brilliance in being able to get a bot to work efficiently... the riches should be yours..., i find botting to be like christmas every morning. but yes it does hurt the economy. i think maphack would be alright for people if bnet created a version of it that only shows the map... whats the harm in seeing where the monsters are?
and im wondering if this ban has passed on.
and to the guy who said he plays hardcore: umm... how many people do u know actually have told u or hinted that they bot in hardcore? im sure there would be one lag spike at the wrong time and kill their character anyway
as for this new patch or serverside packet, i havent been on d2 in some time or downloaded it so its unfair for me to say anything about it.
as for botting i find if you have the brilliance in being able to get a bot to work efficiently... the riches should be yours..., i find botting to be like christmas every morning. but yes it does hurt the economy. i think maphack would be alright for people if bnet created a version of it that only shows the map... whats the harm in seeing where the monsters are?
and im wondering if this ban has passed on.
and to the guy who said he plays hardcore: umm... how many people do u know actually have told u or hinted that they bot in hardcore? im sure there would be one lag spike at the wrong time and kill their character anyway