05-14-2005, 09:49 AM
pyrocrow Wrote:did you just say wine is the shit!? wine is for all the rich people who are willing to buy $100 bottles to fell a buzz. beer or shots are the way to go...................................................................................................................................
Rebel_Soldier Wrote:once again...uve placed ur foot into your mouth and closed it...........I SAID TENNESSEE HOMEMADE WINE....and as i said in the previous post OBVIOUSLY u have no clue what im talking about as i suspected...Home made wine as u can clearly see in the title is HOMEMADE and not EXPENSIVE, u are clearly a few bricks short of a load fellow..Homemade wine has a gerat TASTE and WILL KNOCK YOU OFF OF YOUR FEET BECAUSE IT IS WAYYYY STRONGER THAN JACK.. u ever heard of MOONSHINE BUDDY?????