05-16-2005, 09:16 AM
Quote:" Once I lose the evil property's these powers should be very useful! "
Quote:he morphs in and out of it but right now he's to eviled up when he regains himself he will just be a extra powerful holy warrior, Owned
(That kinda gave me the Impression this was gonna be Permanent... No demonic Transformations for you after this, me and Anubis already 'morph in and out')
*Feeling some powers return to him, or ones that were never really lost, Wings take root in his back and spikes shoot up, he grows to twice his normal size as Armor plating erupts from all over his body. A dark Aura surrounds him, losing sanity for a quick second then finding some barrier holding it off. After the transformation is complete he looks at his new self, Not as spiky as Witix, but powerful none the less. He then punchs the ground hard pulling out a spear the size of a small tree.*
*In a deep voice with a sort of echo that comes from no where*
"Get the remaining villagers out, This is going to be messy."
*Charges for Raef but to be blocked by the now controlled Witix, he Strikes the collar and Witix jerks as if I had hurt him*
"The collar... If I try and remove it, I dont know what will happen"
*Witix charges at me, but I can easily dodge it and Witix ends up plowing through a building*
"You are blinded, you cannot see through anything but rage."
*Witix charges me again but I dodge barly getting scarped from this claw.*
"Forgive me"
*Takes the spear and throws it at Witix neck, Upon hitting the collar Witix is instantly knocked out in a violent manor as the bond is broken. Shifts his eyes on Raef and he steps back trys to cast another controll collar but Zakel charges foward slamming him in the chest throwing him into another house.*
*Raef casts some sort of spell into the floor and a portal opens. He jumps into it and excapes*
"Leave him be for now. We can get him Later."
*Runs over to Witix*
"Anubis, Your gonna have to help me on this one."
*Remembering what Anubis did to him when he was first under Demon form and attempts to do the same*