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Free Runes, Power Leveling, And Rushing
Free Runes, Power Leveling, And Rushing

Wait, What? Is this a scam?
No its not! In no way will I ever ask for anything from you that a scammer might. I will not ask to hold your items, to get your cdkey, password, etc. I am posting this advertisement in the name of mutual self interest. Similarly, I will never ask for anything in return for this service except for what I outline below.

Well how does it work then?
Its simple, if a bit unorthodox. Two of the most desired drops in the game are Hell difficulty Forge, and Hell Baal (when killed for quest). The Hell Forge drops Gems [always one perfect included] and a rune. Hell Baal can drop anything in the game, and has a better chance for dropping many of the most desired items the any other mob in the game. His drops increase significantly when he is killed for the quest. What I propose is a method of making these two drops as readibly available as possible. As a side effect, it generates alot of experience for low level characters.

But doesnt it take alot of time to get a character into Hell?
The best answer for this is 'Usually'. It is possible to do what I call a 'glitched rush'. No, this does not actually exploit a glitch in the game, and no, it is in no way dangerous to attempt. It merely lets you get a character into higher difficulties easier and quicker. In a glitched rush, a character is rushed into Act 5 by a higher level character. This character is generally less then level 20, and therefor cannot get credit for the Defeat The Ancients Quest, and is therefor unable to go and kill Baal. However, in a glitched rush, this character merely groups with another person, someone who DID get the Ancients [and thus must be higher then level 20]. The low level character stays in Harrogath while the 20+ character kills Baal for the quest. The low level character gets the Baal quest, and is now able to enter/create Nightmare games!

[Note: The cap on the Ancients is level 40 in Nightmare, and 60 in Hell]

I still dont see your point. Wouldn't leveling someone up to Glitch Rush take too long?
Usually, yes, it would be more efficient to run the Countess in Hell difficulty over and over for runes, this is an extremely boring task without a bot, and down right painful without a maphack. I have a solution to this problem - Enchant. The sorceress spell Enchant is generally mediocre, however becomes very impressive when someone specializes in it. While a Sorc who dropped a point into Enchant to get Hydra would generally add as little as 50-100 fire damage to the targets attacks, someone who specializes in Enchant can easily add over one thousand damage to a targets attacks. This number can very feasibly exceed two thousand, as well, which is more then sufficient to one hit kill anything a low level character needs for experience.

Okay, I think I get it, but why do all this for free?
Well, its not quite for free, but its as close as youll get! My idea is this - we get a group together of people. Organize ourself in some way - not a guild, just a group of people interested in getting together and running these characters up to Hell. We take turns A) power leveling B) being rushed C) being the 'quester' [the guy who is over level 20]. This way, I help you with my characters, and you help me with the characters I leveled up for you!

INCASE YOU MISSED THE ENTIRE POINT AND ONLY READ THIS PARAGRAPH: That is to say, that I will leech another character up to Hell, and get my own hell forge after I have rushed you. It is my goal to get a group of people together who can regularly do glitched rushes for high level Runes, taking turns leeching and rushing, for lots of Runes.

I have no way of forcing you to return the favor, but please realize I will be keeping track of A) how many people youve rushed B) how many times youve been rushed and if the two dont add up [ie - Youve been rushed to hell 20 times and only rushed in return once] you will be asked to either A) help us out or B) stop leeching.

That sounds great, but would is it really worth my time to do this over other sorts of runs?
Certainly. Over the last two nights I ran a bot which killed Hell Countess 40 times an hour. In the day, I was rushed by a friend through Hell [who let me keep forge], rushed a friend to Hell from normal [who gave me both NM and Hell forges], and rushed someone else through Hell for their forge. The 4 runes I got from those rushes were worth more then the roughly 600 runs my bot completed over those days. [Case in point: Hell Countess has a 1:1106 chance of dropping an Ist] Yes, thats right, this is more effective the a bot!

Sounds Great! But I am poor / new... how can I cash in on this?
Simple, you get in touch with us, and we rush you. In return, you let us power level one of your characters to level 20 [and then to 40] so you can kill Baal for quest. This nets you, someone who went into this risking nothing, with 2 characters, both in Hell, with one at least level 40, and 6 forges! [2 from each difficulty]

I dont really want to rush right now, and I dont have any low characters, what can I do?
Remember, you are under no obligation to rush your first time. If you are not planning on creating another character, its entirely possible [and preferable - this is what I do] to create a shit character, and have them just leech. That way you still get hell forge off of a painfully low character, with minimal time invested - you dont even have to put equipment on them, and you can make use of their socket quests before deleting them. Think of it like doing one very lengthy Countess run with a bunch of other people, where you have a higher chance of a bigger reward for the same time invested.

Can you give me a list of all the things I should consider before I decide to do this?
You risk nothing. We wont ask for your drops, demand to see your equipment, etc.
You get free gems, runes, socket quests, power leveling, Baal quest drops etc.
Power leveling low level characters in Hell is VERY effective. Expect to go from level 1 to level 65 after 5 runs through the Chaos Sanctuary. [Yes, that is accurate]
Higher chance of getting high runes then Hell Countess, and far less boring.
Allows an effective way to compete with people who do bot to people who either cannot (ie, use a Mac) or do not.
Using this leaves your character with at least two unfinished Ancients quests. Merely level your character up to a very high level then complete the quests for 2 free levels!
Easiest possible way to level unorthodox / weak character designs [melee sorc, healer paladin, etc]

Can not be botted, requires *gasp* human interaction within the game.
Requires scheduling to coordinate the glitched rushes.

What realm are you organizing this for?
I play USWest, Softcore, Ladder. If you would like to organize anything similar in whichever Realm you play on, please let me know so we can coordinate our efforts. At the moment, I simply only have characters on USWest SCL and lack the resources to start a wider group. I apologize. [But it will only take a few people to get such a group together - really, please let me know if your interested in doing this!]

Alright, Im in. But two questions: How can I get in touch with you, and are there any other rules I should know about?
When Im not botting, my in game account name is (*uberpunka). I have also set up some bare bones forums for us to coordinate our glitched rushes at. The URL is:

You may contact me through either method.

Also, there is a solitary rule that, at this point, I feel needs to be specified. Be patient, understanding, and reasonable with the other members participating in a glitched rush. While purely leeching will make you stop getting invites very quickly, being an *** to someone trying to help you out [or someone your trying to help] will have the same effect. If someone makes a noobish mistake, help em out, dont say 'wtf noob!' or if someone grabs a drop from a quest boss [say duriel] before you do, dont scream 'F@GG0T!!!'. Youve been warned.

Messages In This Thread
Free Runes, Power Leveling, And Rushing - by uberpunka - 05-24-2005, 01:59 PM

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