05-24-2005, 02:15 PM
A week ago, I was going to join a clan and the guy said that he needed a trust test, but told him that i would not drop any of my items. So he said he would do his. We go to act 1 and I am in a corner by Gheed and he is out of town. Then drops his stuff, 1376 arch nigma, 40 hoto, 2 sojs and hoz. Counts, 10 9 8 7 6 and then he must have had maphack on and forgot to hit enter, so he hit 5 (immediate escape from game) and left. So I waited a few seconds completely shock, I was like damn this is a tight trick, thinking he was still there, but then I thought HOLY SHIT i dont think he could anything like that. So I got his stuff