05-24-2005, 06:22 PM
Skyclad Wrote:Hell Chaos Sanctuary gives extremely good XP to all characters from level 5-20, and from 25 upwards.
So first get your new char to level 5, join 2 Hell Chaos runs (should be 20 after that), do Normal Cows until you reach 24, do Normal Ancients, then do Hell Chaos to 40, Nm Ancients, Hell Chaos to 60, and you can do Hell Ancients and Hell Baal.
You are not going to get there faster by doing Normal and Nm Baal runs, this is by far the most effective way to boost a new char.
P.S. It sounds interesting, but it would heavily depend on what realm most people play. I only play HCL Europe.
Actually, it seems like a really stupid idea to do normal ancients at all... or nightmare ancients. [I dont know if its possible to get WSK2 WP after you have gotten your patriarch and not completled hell ancients, so Ill leave it at just those first two] I would level my bot up, and then once I had either A) reached level 97 or B) given up hope of leveling, do the Ancients. I can live with a level or two more spent doing cows, but passing up a free level at 90+? I dont think so.