05-26-2005, 12:01 PM
[The Reaper] Wrote:I just ordered the demo, my mom didn't even look at what game it was, so I'll be getting that in like a week. And I highly doubt you played it at target or kmart, seeing they aren't really allowed to put that bad of a game up for demo. That's like putting gta out for demo at a kb toys. And the demo is supposedly the Private Ryan part of the game.
no man i promise, i have an awesome reason to lie about it on the internet. i swear, a few months ago i played this game, or watched a video, and im pretty sure i played it, at a KMart in Gainesvile, Florida. it was an army scene, because i remember beforehand seeing an army of rodents in army helmets and shit running around killing things. i died very quickly; as i could not ocntrol conker.
the game's not that great. IMO, the only reason it has such appeal(usually to younger kids) is because of its graphic content. it's not that great of a game, and neither was bad fur day. it's just cyber titties and pretend beer, nothing special. if you want violence and loads of drugs and fun, go buy a GTA game. that's my opinion.
and i really do have an awesome reason to lie about playing the demo on the internet, i just forgot what it was. i'm pretty sure when I typed it up i was trying to be cooler than you because I played a medicore game in a public place that had a few curses, that were censored. that had to be it!!!!
conker was better on gameboy back around 97 before he started drinking