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Processors and Motherboards
NO NO NO! ALWAYS buy your motherboard and processor togather, to make sure they are compatable and that it will use the full capability of your processor. Another thing, celerons= crap. I'd sugjest AMD, there cheap, and they work just as good as pentiums. Plus they run cooler. This means you will have to buy a new motherboard and processor togather. Go here: they have some great deals on comp stuff. They usally have a motherboard/ram/processor bundle, Id sugjest that. Make sure that it will fit in your case or you will have to buy one of them too. And also if it has anything integrated into it, you'll have to consider that too. If you havent done this before, I wouldent say you should try it though.
Also, if you get somthing that doesnt come with ram, make sure you buy the right kind.
Considering that your computer is using a celeron, I'd say your gunna have to buy a new case, (celeron= usally put in pc bundles like dell, emachine, etc...) which means that its only built for the components it came with. If this is the case, salvage the cd-rom, floppy, hard drive, anything thats not integrated with the motherboard, and mayby the ram and power supply. And you will most likly have to buy another case with a power supply already in it.
All in all, if you need a case too, this will cost you probably about $200.

Thats the best explanation I can give without being there.

Also, have you ever taken a computer class, or even taken a computer apart? If you don't know what your doing you could end up with a mess.

Messages In This Thread
Processors and Motherboards - by GaMbLeZ - 05-27-2005, 03:49 PM
Processors and Motherboards - by Fykins - 05-27-2005, 04:46 PM
Processors and Motherboards - by CheshireCat - 05-28-2005, 09:22 AM
Processors and Motherboards - by Tool - 05-29-2005, 06:57 PM
Processors and Motherboards - by GaMbLeZ - 05-31-2005, 08:47 AM

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