03-04-2004, 05:16 AM
Lil Moo Wrote:im gonna do a brainstorm gimme a secmh are not hard to use unless you are a moron mousepads is really easy if you read the read me
maphack was good but most people cant figuer out how the hell to work em
we could have a poll to see what we would want to poll about next time
we could have a poll about the overall rating of the download maphackes
we could have a poll on the behavior of monkeys
we could have a poll about what charicter hak downloads where the most needed
we could have a poll about how badly we need a2 a3 and a4 walkthroughs
we could have a poll on if you use the forums at all
ya most of those suked but I have no other ideas lol
spitfire's maphack is the best lol