06-22-2005, 03:10 PM
Totally never looked at this page again, I gotta respond to his comment from over a month ago. Why did you say I was too harsh over it, and that people DONT have different types of sorb for each build? Because i had a melee enchantress like that months before you posted. I knew that everytime I fought someone If i got near them they say my gear and loaded it with sorb. Doesnt take much dmg to kill a sorc my friend. Even if a pally trashes all but his weap he can still rape. As can barbs. Normal sorcs dont need any gear to own, wwsins/trappers need only a weap or naked to win, Necros dont need much their bone spirit still does dmg, Druids, With enigma they are unstoppable (Windy) Fireclawers with the 6shaeled sword still do 14k dmg with no gear on. Fury only needs a weap, Whats left? Zons? Bow/jav are always 1 hit kills vs sorcs. EVERY single char raped it.