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Lockpicking guide ( Horde )
Alright, I take no credit for this guide.
It was found on <-- Great place to go for some D2 guides, as well as WoW. I advise all to check if out if it hasnt already been done! Smile

Lock Picking Guide-
Written by: Hiredkiller.

Step 1 : Do the Rogue "Polly" quest

This entails feeding a parrot a cracker close to a ratchet, then unlocking chests on the boat. You want to do this until the chests are grey to you.

Step 2 : Poison Quest

Little known trick, while doing this quest in the NW barrens. The Venture Co. Area has a chest at the top of a tower, Just repeat what you did in Step 1. Open that chest until it goes grey.. That'll help you pass or get up to 175.

Step 3: Scarlet Monestary (See step 4 if too hard)

You can first start with unlocking the door into the instances. If you find you are too low to start on the door because you are too lazy, jump into the first instance and pickpocket everything in there. This is of course, making sure you have your stealth maxed to avoid detection. You can repeat that as many times as needed, but if you followed Steps 1 and 2, the door will get you above 200.

Step 4 : Stranglethorn

If you are still having a hard time, or skipped Step 2 and 4, there are Trolls to the Northwest of Grom'Gol. Pickpocket and Lockpick them until your heart is content. Although SM is more effective because of the respawn it is better then getting pummeled by elite's.

Step 5 : Gadgetzen/Ferales/Badlands

You should now have about 200-225 lockpicking skill. Any of these 3 places have Ogres. Gadgetzen - South of Gadget, is a cave with a bunch. Ferales, South of the camp ( Can't remember the name ) has a bunch, Badlands orcs to the SW cave, SW of the Orc encampment. ** THis is about the time where people need you because you can start doing reinforced steel, and such. SO when you are in Orgimmar, or what ever main town you are in, send tells to open boxes for free at a certain location. Make sure they actually HAND you the item, as just doing it in the trade screen results in no skill ups. More people you do it for the more they refer you and the easier it is to get that skill up!

Step 6 : Final LP

Blackrock Deep/Blackrock Stepps 250+, You will pickpocket the rest of the way here, by this time you can open prety much any of the lockboxes that people get in drops, ie. Mithirl, Thor.. Till you hit 275, you won't be able to do the Large locked chests, but if you are pickpocketeing alot you skill up after you get the "Strong Junkbox" It only took about 2 hours once I hit 250 to get to 300. Getting passed 175 sucked, but I didnt know about the poison quest trick until a friend mentioned it..

There Level 300 LockPicking , Congrats!

Once again, thanks to and Hiredkiller for this guide on lockpicking

Messages In This Thread
Lockpicking guide ( Horde ) - by pureblud - 07-08-2005, 06:11 AM

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