07-18-2005, 08:44 AM
i haven't been cdkey banned in a long *** time, hwoever..
back in the day(SC days.. years and years ago) if you were 'banned' you would get muted. if you screwed up again, you would get banned. either way, you could contact battle.net and they would consider unbanning/unmuting your key. i got muted so many times on the same cdkey, so meh.
but tool probably knows the deal right now
back in the day(SC days.. years and years ago) if you were 'banned' you would get muted. if you screwed up again, you would get banned. either way, you could contact battle.net and they would consider unbanning/unmuting your key. i got muted so many times on the same cdkey, so meh.
but tool probably knows the deal right now