08-02-2005, 06:44 AM
awrong Wrote:interesting recipes in cubemain.txt:
pandemonium key 1+pandemonium key 2+pandemonium key 3 -> pandemonium portal
diablos's horn+mephisto's brain+baal's eye -> pandemonium finale portal
I'm guessing that whatever the way is to get the keys, you combine those to make a portal (in pandemonium fortress?) to a place where you battle uber versions of prime evils, who drop bodyparts which you combine to open pandemonium finale portal, behind which lilith lives?
So im guessing kill the 3 prime evils (Mephisto, Diablo, Baal) in hell difficiulty to get the 3 keys, then use the horadric cube to make the portal ... hmm will it have to be in a certain area to work?? Fight the uber versions of the 3 prime evils and use the cube again to create the portal to Lilith (again a special place u have to make the portal?) Kill her and she drops the unique charm. Damn! Time to build a hammerdin or a smiter so i can do all this...