08-12-2005, 04:50 AM
heres my advice... dont max holy bolt... only put 1 pt on it because it doesnt help foh's dmg.
max: holy shock, holy shield, foh, another skill that synergises foh, and probly defiance or resist lightning if your going pvp.
---put enough pts into conviction for lvl 25 with all your gear. this is because conviction's - to enemy resists ends at lvl 25.
stats: enough str for gear
enough dex for max block
all rest in vit
non in energy
helm: perf griffons 5/5 light die faceted
ammy: armageddon sllippers or a +2 to pally skills resist ammy
weapon: +3 to foh +3 to conviction 25/25% light die faceted war scepter.
shield: umed hoz
gloves: magefists
rings: sojs
belt: arachnid
boots: ethereal treks work nicely.
switch: cta flail+a spirit pally shield.
inventory: 1 Pally torch, 1 annihilis, and 1 +5 resist all 5 faster run/walk sc. 9x pally combat gcs possibly with 12% fhr on them until u reach a fhr breakpoint over 100...and u have like 9 spaces left for any scs u want.
when this build is finished your foh should easily do over 8.5k
max: holy shock, holy shield, foh, another skill that synergises foh, and probly defiance or resist lightning if your going pvp.
---put enough pts into conviction for lvl 25 with all your gear. this is because conviction's - to enemy resists ends at lvl 25.
stats: enough str for gear
enough dex for max block
all rest in vit
non in energy
helm: perf griffons 5/5 light die faceted
ammy: armageddon sllippers or a +2 to pally skills resist ammy
weapon: +3 to foh +3 to conviction 25/25% light die faceted war scepter.
shield: umed hoz
gloves: magefists
rings: sojs
belt: arachnid
boots: ethereal treks work nicely.
switch: cta flail+a spirit pally shield.
inventory: 1 Pally torch, 1 annihilis, and 1 +5 resist all 5 faster run/walk sc. 9x pally combat gcs possibly with 12% fhr on them until u reach a fhr breakpoint over 100...and u have like 9 spaces left for any scs u want.
when this build is finished your foh should easily do over 8.5k