08-22-2005, 01:13 PM
BlindMansTicket Wrote:Nothing is godly about single player items.
Took me 2 pictures to find out. Cta can't have +6 to Battle Cry and be indestrucible.
dude, that's single player, we know... and u can't even hack single player chars as well I can play closed chars...
I had better nigma than u, 1378 arch nigma > ur 111* boneweave crap.
I had better CTA than u, 6/6/4 > 6/6/6/Indestructible
I had better HoZ than u, 200ed Cham > 198
I had better CoA than u, 150/15/30 CoA 2 sock double ber'ed > ur sh1t
what else... oh u hacked better HoTo than me
sry had to flame, cuz he got me thinkin' closed char until the 6/6/6 cta crap.