08-25-2005, 06:15 AM
yea... you have to understand the bot from the programmer's side.. it isnt a program that communicates with the server to move your char.. therefore, it is undetectable... it is just the same as you recording yourself doing one run and then just playing it over and over again.. thats all it is, it has no communication with Bnet servers.. and there are no .dlls or any other intrusions to the diablo II processes... therefore, there isnt a way to detect it... it simply cannot be done... like i said before... the only way that Battle.net could know your botting with MMBot is to track your movements through each game, and if you have a series of games that are exactly alike, or close to, then they would boot you.. but Bnet doesnt have the reasources or the drive to track every moment of every player.. therefore they arent going to be banning people because of MMBot. The bot is a client-side prog with no communication to an outside server... so you cannot detect its presence from anywhere besides on that Pc. thats the bottom line