08-26-2005, 03:51 AM
This is absolute Bullshit to be put in one word... and im very offended that someone would even question the legitimacy of his carrer.. Yea back in 1999 he did test positive for EPO.. but heres the kicker.. he tested positive for .02% which just happens to be the medical level injected into your body when you undergo kemotherapy. Even if he used it after kemo, the amount to make a muscle and endurance difference in your body is almost 5%...Hospitals use EPO to preserve your red and white bloods cells. as it protects them from the radiation... and since 1999.. Lance has tested negitive for every tour.. The bottom line is Lance has handed France their @$$ for the last 7 years in this race.. and this dumbass paper company saw a chance to attack Lance and sell alot of newspapers... it is all a love-and-hate thing.. Hate is the Child of Greatness... there will always be some1 out there who wants to see you fail... and now-a-days.. people seem to be willing to do just about anything just so they can keep their damn pride...