08-29-2005, 02:57 AM
lol wigger.... i was not spammin i jsut told a joike so shoot me and ne wayz i was not tryin to be funny by typin in diffrenet colors and u no what i no there is a jokes and pokes section i can c that but small talk can be anything including jokes and yes taht joke was stupid but hey it's my thread and jus so every one no's dark spawnling is my brother and dark if u think i dont have a life evey time i post sutmin u commment on me every were r u like a stalker or sumtin...but o well i wont type in this thread ne more jus cuse u have to be an a@# and come into my thread and tell me not to type in it cuse u think that i was spammin which i was not....so look who is laughin