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My SpeedRush Guide
FIRST OFF: I do not use MH, so if you do then you can skip the 2 person interchange speed strategy. This guide is for people that want to get rich but dont want to get ripped off while getting there.

OK, when it comes to rushing there are 2 things that I think you should worry about.

1) Speed - you need to be fast or it wont be a "rush"
2) Being Scammed - of course you want to get that forge that you just earned

My strategy for rushing involved me and my brother both using our sorc's for NM rushing for their speed or our pally's in Hell since they tank better but are slower than the sorc's are in NM.

About the characters - sorc is the ultimate NM rusher. I use an Orb Sorc dealing 900 orb damage and also 1200 Thunderstorm damage for a nice mix of damage. My brother uses a Fire sorc doing 20k meteor damage and 14k or so FB damage (not really sure on his damages). Im not saying our sorc's are godly, but they sure do get the job done...on NM
For hell its a different story. For our sorces to be effective we have to watch ourselves because often a few hits will drop us. I use my lvl 90 hammerdin with enigma and its slightly slower but he kills faster in hell and takes a lot more hits. My brother uses a specialized zealot which he puts on an enigma for rushing. Only problem with his char is that his mana is low so we have to slightly modify our strategy so that he isnt doing a lot of random tele-ing.

Anyway, on to the strategy...

General 2 person rush strategy

The way we start is my brother hits the catacombs and locates andy while I find the maggot lair and make my way through it. By the time andy is dead I am usually in the maggot lair lvl2 or 3 or done.
After andy he heads to lost city and into the claw viper temple. The claw viper temple is fairly short so by the time he is at the end and lays the TP, I have most likely found the summoner and laid my TP.
Then the rushee goes through the portal into the canyon of the magi and tells us what the correct tomb is. Navigating the tomb can be tough, so we both run it and split up. This is because we have to wait for the rushee to give us the correct tomb. Then once one of us finds the orifice, we lay a TP and stay there while the other goes into the Durance of Hate and searches for mephisto.
You probably wonder what happened to travincal, but that takes like 5 seconds on NM and not much longer on hell so we get the tough stuff out of the way first.
After we slay duriel, the same person goes to travincal. most likely the other one is still in durance or maybe waiting at meph. Within a short time, travincal is clear and the TP is up to meph. While one waits at meph, the other goes to river of the damned and down the stairs and finds the forge. After dispatching hephasto, the TP is up shortly after the rushee makes it to Act4.

Now is when you get the forge.

After this we head to river WP, lay a tp and then head to chaos, split up and hit the seals and dispatch diablo together. THen its off to act5 where we give the ancients WP, split up and find them, and then double team them. Then give the WP for worldstone and its basically complete.

Ok, now most of you probably skimmed this which is understandable because you probably knew most of it. This was merely a 2 person rush method that we use. Now I will explain key tactics that will scare off a scammer or make it useless for them to scam.

First off, on NM we are so fast to the forge that if they do scam, it doesnt even pay that much for them and doesnt take up much of our time. Here is why...


Tell the rushee what to expect BEFORE you actually start the rush. I tell them that they get no WPs until after the forge is completed. I also in Hell say that I am to get all the drops because occasionally something nice WILL drop.

The WP strategy has been working for me and out of about 10 rushes only 1 person scammed by leaving the game right before the forge. However, they got NO WPs (even travincal) because we TPed at the other side of travincal so they wouldn't go for it. And plus, it only took us a minute or two maybe so we didnt miss much time. In order for them to get the WPs they would have to join another game for them or have a friend hook them up which is just extra work for them, most rational people will realize that just giving up the forge is worth it. especially in hell where they may want to run back to other WPs for mf/key runs.

You may say that this takes longer, and it does, but with 2 people its only a trivial amount and being saved from a scam is DEFINATELY worth it. One time I had a guy leave in act2 at the summoner because he mustve realized he wasnt getting any WPs. I even told him before that he would get no WPs until after the forge was mine.

Another good strategy is to only kill the required enemies. Most of the time, a rushee is not powerful enough to kill the other minions alone so only killing bosses or key enemies is a way to limit how far they can move around beyond where you allow. With teleport it is easy to simply ignore unwanted enemies.
A good example of where this comes into play is the summoner. Arcane Sanc can be a key location(pun intended) for key runs. When you lay the TP near the summoner, they know where the WP is(in the center) but if they try to get to it they will die, so they just leave it, same idea for travincal if you lay the tp away from the wp.

Another strategy is quest offerings. Occasionally I have had rushees request that they want the skill quests. If they want them, you simply say that you will gladly complete them after the forge is obtained. If they disagree with this (IE: asking for quests BEFORE forge) then they are clearly trying to scam and you should PK them and take their gold to make a point.

Problems that you may encounter during a rush

Rushee Dying - Handle this by clearing out the area and laying a tp by their body (duh you already knew this). However, tell them to immediately go back to town after getting their body because they really shouldnt be anywhere that allows them to die. The only thing I can thin of is maybe a stray boss spell hits them. Most of the time when they die, they are trying to get to some place that they want (IE: arcane WP from summoner) in which case you ALREADY told them they would get WPs AFTER the forge so if they still push on toward the WP you cant keep helping them, just let them die and leave the game, its better than being scammed, even take their gold if you want. I usually say I only help them get one dead body unless freak accidents occur (IE: in durance lvl 3 a blood lord that you didnt see hits them with a meteor from across the level)

Jeryn (AKA Jerk) - A lot of the time he is not cooperative in letting the rushee talk to him to leave act2. The fastest way to solve this is to just have the rushee make a new game. If they say he wont come out then just say "make a new game, tell me name and pass." and youre good to go, in the new game he will appear outside making it easy to touch and go.

After Forge

I like this time of the rush, because after you get forge, YOU make the rules. If they suddenly want to do skill quests, you can say "wtf we never agreed on" or you can help them out. Same thing with everything else, you could even leave them WP-less and quest-less if you wanted to once you get the forge (this is not recommened because of its A-hole nature).

Usually after forge I do ancients and then give them the worldstone WP. Then I go back with my brother and give the rushee the major WPs which may take a minute or so.

The rushee should understand the late WP idea is simply an anti-scam technique and should agree, if they dont agree then you should probably just leave because some funny business is going down.

Final Notes

This strat can be used to quickly scam people for forge in a couple minutes by speed rushing without WPs and then just leaving right away after forge. Im not necessarily giving you ideas but I'm saying that instead of being scammed, this strat allows you to have greater control over what happens.

If I messed anything up or need to modify this I would greatly appreciate the feedback but dont just flame saying this is stupid because it works, it keeps you from getting scammed, and the anti-scam tactics can be used whether or not you have a friend to help you rush with you.

If the friend you have helping you is not your brother or a personal friend, you can agree with them to alternate each time between who gets the forge so that its fair.

50 views and no responses....i guess i suck

Messages In This Thread
My SpeedRush Guide - by Supermanwoot - 08-31-2005, 01:08 PM
My SpeedRush Guide - by Nbega - 08-31-2005, 01:24 PM
My SpeedRush Guide - by TheWizKid - 08-31-2005, 01:36 PM
My SpeedRush Guide - by Bloodangel26 - 08-31-2005, 02:03 PM
My SpeedRush Guide - by zakdud - 08-31-2005, 04:51 PM
My SpeedRush Guide - by Supermanwoot - 09-01-2005, 01:04 AM
My SpeedRush Guide - by Rice4Lyfe90 - 09-02-2005, 07:34 AM
My SpeedRush Guide - by Siris - 09-02-2005, 08:26 AM
My SpeedRush Guide - by Hurly91 - 09-02-2005, 12:13 PM

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