09-04-2005, 07:09 AM
Danyo Wrote:*U know u play to much d2 when u try to drink up all the wells in the park to gett full stamina after jogging
*U know u play to much d2 when you scream eatch time you se a baby cuz you think its a "fetish"
*U know u play to much d2 when you try to kill peaple who have lost their legs cuz u think they are uber mephisto
*U know u play to mutch d2 when u scream "dupes" when seing a bunch of the same stuff in a store
*U know u play to mutch d2 when ur friends say u got red eyes (cuz of playing al night) and you say ur enhanced
* U know u have playd to mutch d2 when it takes a few minutes to anderstand my jokes, and u blame it on lagg
what.... oh sorry i lagged... hahaha