09-07-2005, 12:41 AM
So are these made up D&D rules? All attribues should be between 3-18 (or 19-20 for some race adjustments) and defense would be AC. Anyway, for the purpose of this thread it does not matter much.
Name: Sojan Gladdensnoot (Soj)
Race: Gnome
Class: Illusionist/Thief
Intro: Soj had retired from a night of drinking to a room with a not so attractive woman whom he is trying to cast an illusion of beauty on but she seems somehow resistant.
Name: Sojan Gladdensnoot (Soj)
Race: Gnome
Class: Illusionist/Thief
Intro: Soj had retired from a night of drinking to a room with a not so attractive woman whom he is trying to cast an illusion of beauty on but she seems somehow resistant.