09-08-2005, 07:35 PM
I think this is it, cuz there shall be "party only skills" in this patch, it is written AND said, so probebly the standars of hero charms does somthing, if there is a sertan amount of players all with those standard of hero items on them. Like a new aura, or maby the different characters obtain new skills? like sorc getting a baal magic, palla get duriel holy freze aura, druid fire nova from diablo or somthing? so that these skills or some other skills or somthing just is avible when all the characters has one of these items, it culd also be that there must be 1 pally, 1 sorc 1 druid, 1 necro, 1 assy, 1 barb etc....but I dunno but I think this is it, eny1 whana try? Im on europe realm:laugh: