09-09-2005, 02:09 AM
playazzonly Wrote:i have already cracked the mh... im testing it 2 make sure nothing goes rong and the anti detection still works
No offence, but I don't believe you for one second. If you have a crack, why don't you post it? Oh, and expect me to personally verify the file, so don't try anything.
I haven't heard anything from Bubbafate for over a month now, but last time I spoke to him he said he would crack both the new maphack and d2jsp.
He lives in Louisiana however, and hurricane Katrina struck Louisiana last week. As soon as I hear anything, I'll let you know.
As Dyna said, I'm looking into the possibility of cracking it myself. Don't expect any miracles yet though, but give me a month maybe and I shall see what I can do.