10-01-2005, 02:14 AM
you spoke your mind by calling me a pretentious asshole? i realize your 4 years younger than me so i'll give you the fact that you haven't quite matured into anything more than what you are but i don't join your threads and call you an asshole FOR NO GIVEN REASON. you still have not given me a reason as to why i'm a pretentious asshole. i'm not some little punk kid that sits at his computer all day trying to entertain myself by picking fights i am a legitamate adult that wants to be a part of a community with similar interests and have something i can do while i'm at work so i don't go completely nuts dealing with my customers. i deal with people like you every day and i know how to stop this little high school drama stuff. There's my spiel take it as you will but grow up a little bit.