10-01-2005, 01:48 PM
glad you got it working out for you. and it wont say what .mpq key file it launches with because it does not use mpq files, it uses those files generated in the config folder i believe.
Reading the whole mm.bot.manual HTML file included with the bot really teaches you alot of things, and in the example lightning sorc sequence file 'mm.BOT.Sequences.ini' is very well commented. easyist way to see it in action is with your own lightning sorc. just change the skill key's EG:'@Teleport_Key = w/e' (change the w/e to what you have your teleport hotkeyed to in diablo) for that list of skills in the sequence ini. and just follow along with the bot.
Jakex1 Wrote:i have no idea HOW to use mmbot
Reading the whole mm.bot.manual HTML file included with the bot really teaches you alot of things, and in the example lightning sorc sequence file 'mm.BOT.Sequences.ini' is very well commented. easyist way to see it in action is with your own lightning sorc. just change the skill key's EG:'@Teleport_Key = w/e' (change the w/e to what you have your teleport hotkeyed to in diablo) for that list of skills in the sequence ini. and just follow along with the bot.