This guide was RIPPED from
Dynafrom had nothing to do with writing it.
Legal Notes:
This Faq is resricted to, and VoN only, and may
not be used for promotional purposes, advertisement,
copied onto any disk or altered in ANY way. It may not
be incorporated into any guide EVEN for private use.
Not to be inserted in magazines, put onto a private or
secured website where membership or a fee is required.
All profesional Rights belong to me, and me alone, the
author Dynafrom.
Starcraft, Starcraft:BW are copyrighted to
Blizzard entertainment.
A little information when using a faq, if your looking for a particular part in the fact, press (ctrl+F) and look
for the words after what your looking for, for example -Anti-Liftoff (aadd) , type aadd in the box.
Table of Contents:
1)FaQ Information
-Legal Information
-Update Info
3)C & C. Contact and Credits
-Terms and Lingo Used
-Contact Info
Update Information
- None
A) Basic triggers
- Basics
-(aadd1) Anti Liftoff
-(aaee1) Banning Players
-(aaff1) Automatically Loading Bunkers
-(aagg1) Cloaking Units
-(aahh1) Controlling Scarabs / Interceptors
-(aaII1) Stopping Single Player Cheats
-(aajj1) Switches
B) Advanced Triggers
-(bbaa1) Blurry Buildings
-(bbbb1) Crazy Units
-(bbcc1) Recall FX
-(bbdd1) Randomisation
-(bbee1) Static Portrait
-(bbff1) Stacking
-(bbgg1) Units With Over 9999 HP
C) Expert Triggers
-(ccaa1) Locations that Follow Units
-(ccbb1) Crystallic Cannons
-(cccc1) Explosion Fx
-(ccdd1) Making Rock Sprites Later in the Game
-(ccee1) Player 12+
Dynafrom had nothing to do with writing it.
Legal Notes:
This Faq is resricted to, and VoN only, and may
not be used for promotional purposes, advertisement,
copied onto any disk or altered in ANY way. It may not
be incorporated into any guide EVEN for private use.
Not to be inserted in magazines, put onto a private or
secured website where membership or a fee is required.
All profesional Rights belong to me, and me alone, the
author Dynafrom.
Starcraft, Starcraft:BW are copyrighted to
Blizzard entertainment.
A little information when using a faq, if your looking for a particular part in the fact, press (ctrl+F) and look
for the words after what your looking for, for example -Anti-Liftoff (aadd) , type aadd in the box.
Table of Contents:
1)FaQ Information
-Legal Information
-Update Info
3)C & C. Contact and Credits
-Terms and Lingo Used
-Contact Info
Update Information
- None
A) Basic triggers
- Basics
-(aadd1) Anti Liftoff
-(aaee1) Banning Players
-(aaff1) Automatically Loading Bunkers
-(aagg1) Cloaking Units
-(aahh1) Controlling Scarabs / Interceptors
-(aaII1) Stopping Single Player Cheats
-(aajj1) Switches
B) Advanced Triggers
-(bbaa1) Blurry Buildings
-(bbbb1) Crazy Units
-(bbcc1) Recall FX
-(bbdd1) Randomisation
-(bbee1) Static Portrait
-(bbff1) Stacking
-(bbgg1) Units With Over 9999 HP
C) Expert Triggers
-(ccaa1) Locations that Follow Units
-(ccbb1) Crystallic Cannons
-(cccc1) Explosion Fx
-(ccdd1) Making Rock Sprites Later in the Game
-(ccee1) Player 12+
Business & Computer Science major