10-12-2005, 02:19 AM
xDBD Wrote:Reproduction will never go away; as long as life exists it will be here. For our sake, I hope your genes just fxck up and your dong rots off.I hope your desiccated butt drips-(D.B.D.) reach your brain so it could fertilize that peanutt of yours and maybe spark growth or some intelligence. American racism dosen't come from the south and I find it retarted that people think that one certain type of person is destined to be a spitting image of the next. I really don't think there are more then a handfull of people raising there kids to be racist. The south raise there kids with more respect, manners, and commen sense then most from what ive seen and grown to know. Some would say thats completely false because they know alot of trashy rednecks with no sense of right and wrong but anyone can be like that it's not class determined. You can't get rid of rasicm there will always be some form of it no matter what.
Just because simple racism will never go away, does that justify it? Jesus christ. You guys are such shitheads.
Also: I believe the whole human race would die out before merging to one race and language.