10-20-2005, 10:20 AM
ZxSlippy191 Wrote:Ok, let me get this straight, you think that learning how to do simple boss runs takes skill? Rofls! GuildWars is better because it's more detailed, and has better graphics, and isnt a 2D Game.. Plus, The Servers arent ****, Mastering Diablo II dosent take skill, GW Takes skill in my opinion, especially mastering the various classes/races.I agree with this about the skill required, but D2 will keep you entertained for a bit longer than GW will, just because of all the different things you can do in D2, There isn't a set armor that is automatically the best in D2, well in a way there is Enigma for casters or w/not but Melee people have choices. In GW its like all armor is the same except each has a stat or 2 that the others dont, 99% of Warriors have Knights or Plate, 99% of rangers have Druids, 99% of Monks have Tatoos etc. But GW is a great game, you just got to play it in moderation, unlike I did. If you play it too much it becomes very boring. I quit for a month and then play for a month a lot.