10-23-2005, 05:23 PM
[/sarcasm] Wrote:Just saw the Doom movie. I thought it was pretty good. Surprisingly, I thought the first-person view was pretty cool, and I do agree that the movie would have been SO much better if it were hell that was taking over instead of some genetic crap..
The BFG was great, although it was BLUE! (blasphemy!)... Probably the most gratifying part of the movie was when The Rock walks into the chamber and says "Big Fvcking Gun" and only like 2 people in the entire theater actually knew the basis of that, other than me and a friend.
Also Pinky was pretty tired.. but The Rock really didn't do too bad, honestly.
I'd give it a 7/10, it could have been a lot more like the game... Or like the game at all, really. The entire game would have made a hardcore movie itself.
The bfg looked sorta... iunno, UGH. But yeah, the movie wouldv'e kicked 100x more *** if it was about hell, I would've loved to see the cyberdemon,
Business & Computer Science major