10-23-2005, 06:12 PM
[/sarcasm] Wrote:This, kids, is why you shouldn't mix posting with beer.
I've got a somewhat addictive personality, so I might want to stay away from alcohol until I learn a little better self-control.
this isn't self-control.... it's lack there of. laugh:
beer and posting should not coincide.
i think i saw what he was trying to say though. it could be better translated with this:
"see it otld you sam adams as some good shit.. evne tho tonight iahd coors litght and marihoona so i'm prtty ****ed uop right now. but beer i ssogood ok. i'm gone ggoond mnight ."
sam adams (spelled wrong) = good. beer = good too. good night.
obviously this a over the top post. i don't even think drunk people can screw it up this bad. but good night deadlyy