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I just go and die...
I am using and i cant attack, i dont do my buff...

I am using in Sequance: ;##############################################################################
; Default sequence is the light sorce one, but you can replace it or edit it
; by whatever you want. Refers the MANUAL to know more about light sorce & merc.
; Lightning sorce is the easiest & cheapest character to proceed Pindle +
; and Eldritch runs for MFing and eventually Shenk runs.
; BUT Much others builts are possible, of course!
; Dont forget to check your keys settings in \Config\mm.BOT.ini !!
; Replace below the keys your character use in game for these skills:
; Note; All skills are at right click in these sequences:
@TP_Scroll_Key = h ; TP Scroll Skill key (must have it and a TP tome...)
@Teleport_Key = k ; Teleport Skill Key (must have it)
@Lightning_Key = k ; Lightning Skill Key (must have it)
@Chain_Lightning_Key = k ; ChainLightning Skill Key (must have it)
@Telekinesis_Key = q ; Telekinesis Skill Key (must have it)
@Frozen_Armor_Key = k ; Frozen Armor Skill Key (put a blank if you dont have)
@Mana_Shield_Key = k ; Mana Shield Skill Key (put a blank if you dont have)
@Battle_Commands_Key = ; Battle Commands Skill Key (leave blank if you dont have)
@Battle_Orders_Key = ; Battle Orders Skill Key (leave blank if you dont have)
;NOTE: to use CTA uncomment the CL_Sorc_Will_Use_Cta sequence in the [MAIN] below
; Eventually change the settings below to resolve problems or increase speed.
@Random_Delay_Before_Eldritch = 100,200 ; <mini>,<maxi> TOWN random delay (ms.)
@Random_Delay_Before_Pindle = 100,200 ; <mini>,<maxi> TOWN random delay (ms.)
@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay = 1200 ; Delay before retry to teleport (ms.)
@Timeout_Eldritch_Pre_Attack = 4000 ; Maximum primary attack time on Eldritch (ms.)
@Timeout_Shenk_Pre_Attack = 4000 ; Maximum primary attack time on Shenk (ms.)
@Timeout_Pindle_Pre_Attack = 4000 ; Maximum primary attack time on Pindle (ms.)
@Timeout_Eldritch_Attack = 20000 ; Maximum main attack time on Eldritch (ms.)
@Timeout_Shenk_Attack = 20000 ; Maximum main attack time on Shenk (ms.)
@Timeout_Pindle_Attack = 20000 ; Maximum main attack time on Pindle (ms.)
@Timeout_Council_Attacks = 15000 ; Maximum main attacks time on Council (ms.)
@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay = 300,400 ; Random Delay when casting CTA or Pre-Cast (ms.)
@Attack_Loop_Delay = 100 ; Tweak it to change attacks loop/cast speed (ms.)
@Key_Push_Delay = 100 ; Delay to let the Skills appears at right click (ms.)
@WP_Menu_Delay = 400 ; Delay x2 to wait the WP menu appears at screen.
; CODE; Default sequences below (uncommented) will do Pindle, Eldritch
; CL Sorce MAIN
CL_Sorc_Pre_Cast, 0 ; Here the pre-cast sequence in town. At downstairs, near WP.
CL_Sorc_Goto_Eldritch_Wp, 0 ; We choose to go to Eldritch Way Point (Frigid Highlands).
; CL_Sorc_Will_Use_Cta, 0 ; If you want use CTA uncomment this sequence.
CL_Sorc_GoTo_Eldritch, 0 ; Here the sequence to go to Eldritch, not a loop.
CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Eldritch, @Timeout_Eldritch_Pre_Attack ; Primary simple light attack against Eldritch.
CL_Sorc_Attack_Eldritch, @Timeout_Eldritch_Attack ; Chain Lightning Eldritch attack.
CL_Sorc_Eldritch_Pickit, 0 ; Eldritch drop and Pickit ...
;CL_Sorc_Eldritch_GoTo_AnyaTP, 0 ; Now lets return to town, and go to Anya TP.
;CL_Sorc_GoTo_Pindle, 0 ; From Anya TP go to Pindle.
;CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Pindle, @Timeout_Pindle_Pre_Attack ; Primary simple light attack against Pindle
;CL_Sorc_Attack_Pindle, @Timeout_Pindle_Attack ; Lightning Pindle Attack.
;CL_Sorc_Pindle_Pickit, 0 ; Pindle drop and Pickit ... Run finished.

; CL Sorce will precast at downstairs
SR(@Random_Delay_Before_Eldritch) ; This delay is in town, at downstairs, before pre-cast.
K(@Frozen_Armor_Key) ; Push Frozen Armor Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(400,60) ; Right Click to cast Frozen Armor.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
K(@Mana_Shield_Key) ; Push Mana Shield Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(400,60) ; Right Click to cast Mana Shield.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
;SEND(/NOPICKUP) ; Optional, uncomment it to avoid accidental pickups.
;EXEC:Example.au3 ; Optional, If you installed Autoit V3 uncomment it for a test.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; CL Sorce Goto Frigid Highlands (Eldritch WP)
FUNC:A5EWP ; This function will go from downstairs to Eldritch WayPoint.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Optional: CTA
S(@WP_Menu_Delay) ; Wait a bit before switch (entering Frigid Highlands).
SWITCH1 ; Internal SWITCH1 command (Switch to secondary gear).
K(@Battle_Commands_Key) ; Push Battle Commands Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(500,60) ; Right Click to cast Battle Commands.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
K(@Battle_Orders_Key) ; Push Battle Orders Skill Key
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(500,60) ; Right Click to cast Battle Commands.
SR(@Pre-Cast_Random_Delay) ; Sleep a little random time (Casting delay).
SWITCH2 ; Internal SWITCH1 command (Switch back to primary gear).
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Go to Eldritch
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(155,-60) ; Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
BRC(70,-330); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push Lightning Key Skill for next attack (optionnal but helps)
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Eldritch Primary Light Attack(loop)
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push the Lightning Skill Key.
RCD(450,50) ; "Blind" Right Click Down Attack in monsters direction (cast in the whole group).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDO ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, jump go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence.

; Eldritch Chain-Light Attack
K(@Chain_Lightning_Key) ; Push the Chain Lightning Skill
RCD(MFOC,OUT) ; Right Click Down Attack on detected monsters (Chain Light to finish all them).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDO ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, will go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence..

; Eldritch Pickit
S(300) ; Added a delay to ensure a good teleport into Eldritch area for pickit.
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
RC(440, 140) ; Righ Click Teleport in Eldritch monster area.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
PICKIT(600) ; Perform a pickit, with life check every 600 ms.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Go to Anya TP
RC(430, 510) ; Teleport back to way point.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
RC(430, 510) ; Continue to Teleport back to way point.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
RC(430, 510) ; Continue to Teleport back to way point.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport. Now we have the way point at screen.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
K(@Telekinesis_Key) ; Push Telekinesis Skill to catch the WP.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BMV(169,182) ; Relative to green block move mouse onto the WP
FOCWP ; Validate WP focus, and search/move mouse arround if dont get it.
SRC ; Simple Right Click (telekinesis cast on the WP by the way)
S(@WP_Menu_Delay) ; give time to way point menu appears...
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed. ; give time to way point menu appears...
S(@WP_Menu_Delay) ; give time to way point menu appears...
LC(115, 160) ; Left Click on "harrogath" button !
SR(@Random_Delay_Before_Pindle) ; This delay is in town, before going to Anya TP
PTPT ; Now lets use the TPTP command to go to from Town WP to Pindle TP
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; Go to Pindle
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(400,-310); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
RC(735,35) ; No green blocks in the screen, lets do a "Blind" Teleport click here.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
BRC(600,-30); Teleport to these coordinates (relative to Green Block).
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push Lightning Key Skill for next attack (optionnal but helps)
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence.

; PindleSkin Primary Light Attack
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push the Lightning Skill
BRCD(285,-13) ; Right Click Down in monsters direction (cast in the whole group).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDO ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, will go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence..

; Pindle Light Attack
K(@Lightning_Key) ; Push the Lightning Skill
RCD(MFOC,IN) ; Right Click Down Attack on detected monsters (cast on the last monsters).
S(@Attack_Loop_Delay) ; Little delay to avoid excessive cast (because this sequence is a loop).
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
CMDI ; Check if monsters are dead, if yes, will go to next sequence.
CTOE ; Chech if End of Time Out (defined in MAIN) if expired jump to next sequence..

; Pindle Pickit
S(300) ; Added a delay to ensure a good teleport in Pindle area for pickit.
K(@Teleport_Key) ; Push the Teleport Skill Key.
S(@Key_Push_Delay) ; Little delay to let the Skill appears at right click.
BRC(60,90) ; Relative to Green Block Right Click Teleport in Pindle area.
WEOT(@Wait_End_Of_Teleport_Delay) ; Wait End of Teleport.
CLM ; Check Life and Mana, and drink if needed.
CML ; Check Merc Life, and heal him if needed and defined in mm.BOT.ini.
PICKIT(600) ; Perform a pickit, with life check every 600 ms.
SR(200, 300) ; Why not a little random delay after pickit...
EXIT ; End of the sequence; it's a no loop sequence. END OF RUN.
and in

;========= Manus-Magnus Diablo2 Lod Global MM.BOT.5.xx configuration ==========
;================= =====================
; This file can be case sensitive, pay attention to write "Yes" and not "yes".
; All lines starting with a ";" are comments... All others are real variables.
; Commented information is important: Read all whatever is your bot experience.

; * D2_Path => Specify your Diablo II path here (C:\Program Files\Diablo II)
; * D2_MultiKeys => <Yes> or <No>. If you got multiple Diablo2 keys for botting
; write Yes here and go complete the config\mm.MultiKeys.ini file. Simply!
D2_Path = C:\Program Files\Diablo II
D2_MultiKeys = No

; *Extra_CreateGameDelay => Delay in milliseconds before each game creation.
Extra_CreateGameDelay = 11000
; *Extra_RunsAmount => Maximum of runs before PAUSE the bot and apply the
; Extra_RunsAmountSleepTime. If you got more than 1 Cd-Keys set the bot will
; swap Keys sets each time the Extra_RunsAmount is reached!
; *Extra_RunsAmountSleepTime => This is the PAUSE Delay in minutes that apply
; once the Extra_RunsAmount is reached.
Extra_RunsAmount = 10
Extra_RunsAmountSleepTime = 15
; *Extra_RDGNE_SleepTime => PAUSE in minutes when IP BAN/Realm Down happen.
; NOTE: If you got more than 1 Cd-Keys set: the bot will swap Keys each time
; A IP BAN/Realm Down happen!
Extra_RDGNE_SleepTime = 20
; *Extra_RDGNE_Executable => Will execute this file ( ie: MYSCRIPT.EXE )
; *Extra_RDGNE_ExecutablePath => Full path of this File ( ie: C:\D2SCRIPTS )
; NOTE:Executable & ExecutablePath are here for IP RESET Scripts...
Extra_RDGNE_Executable = No
Extra_RDGNE_ExecutablePath = No
; *Extra_D2LogsDelete => If "Yes" will delete systematicly D2 logs files...
Extra_D2LogsDelete = No
; Fast help about settings above...
; - Use the default settings above: the bot will make 10/ runs and sleep 15/
; minutes. If a Realm Down or IP ban happen it will sleep 20/ minutes...
; 2/ IF YOU GOT 2 CD KEY SETs: try 12/10/20
; 3/ IF YOU GOT 3 CD KEY SETs or more: 14/0/20
; Note: if you got an Ip Reset Script you can setup Extra_RDGNE_SleepTime = 0
; Note settings i give here are only as example, you can try others.

; * Char_Mode => Mode <Single> for single player or <Battle> for
; ==> <SEQ> special mode will help for sequences building: the bot will
; directly run the sequences that are in the mm.BOT.Sequences.ini file. Thats
; means you have launch Diablo 2 yourself (via a shortcut with the correct
; parameters: -direct -txt -w -ns -title "Diablo II" ) and to put your char
; just after the desired TP or WP. Once done; launch the
; * Char_Account => Your account (Only required if <Battle> mode selected)
; * Char_Password => Your password (Only required if <Battle> mode selected)
; * Char_Slot => Character position in account screen (<1> to <8>)
; * Char_Difficulty => Difficulty: <Normal>, <Nightmare> or <Hell>
; * Char_BNGamePass_String => Suit of keys the bot will use randomly
; to create your games names and passes. You can put the same key multiple
; times (not too much). Set 20+ characters. Personalize it.
; * Char_MessageSent => /away or /dnd is recommended since messages from
; friends/wispers have colors that -will- disturb the bot!
; * Char_StartRunDelay => Hightly randomised delay at the absolute start of
; each run, when -in game- status is detected. (50-150)
Char_Mode = Battle
Char_Account = *****
Char_Password = *****
Char_Slot = 1
Char_Difficulty = Hell
Char_BNGamePass_String = 123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXY
Char_MessageSent = /dnd
Char_StartRunDelay = 100

; * Char_MalahHealLifePercent AND Char_MalahHealManaPercent => The life or
; Mana needed to heal at Heal NPC (10% step precision, minimum 10% mana,
; less than 10% will make the bot ignore mana need, and minimum 50% for life)
; * Char_DrinkPotionLifePercent AND Char_DrinkPotionManaPercent => The Life or
; Mana percent needed to drink Potion (10% step precision....)
; * Char_UseMerc => Detect and ressurrect merc if dead <Yes> or <No>
; * Char_HealMerc => Will gave rejuv to merc if life is ~1/3 <Yes> or <No>
; * Char_PreventiveChicken => Chicken if, after a drink the bot see there
; is only 1 column of potions left ? <Yes> or <No>
; * Char_StopIfNoPots => Stop the bot if no more pots in belt ? <Yes> or <No>
; * Char_MaxDrinks => Maximum of drinks allowed per sequence (ie: Eldritch
; attack sequence) if this number is overrided the bot will chicken.
; * Char_CharHealTimer => Minimum time interval in ms between 2 char drinks.
; * Char_MercHealTimer => Minimum time interval in ms between 2 merc drinks.
; * Char_MercWeaponSwitch => Will switch merc weapon when resurrect (infinity!)
Char_MalahHealLifePercent = 90
Char_MalahHealManaPercent = 70
Char_DrinkPotionLifePercent = 60
Char_DrinkPotionManaPercent = 10
Char_UseMerc = No
Char_HealMerc = No
Char_PreventiveChicken = Yes
Char_StopIfNoPots = No
Char_MaxDrinks = 4
Char_CharHealTimer = 400
Char_MercHealTimer = 800
Char_MercWeaponSwitch = No

; * Char_StashGold => How much in inventory before stashing it ?
; * Char_GambleItem => Gambled item can be <Rings> OR <Amulets> OR <Circlets>
; * Char_GambleGoldStart => Gold amount to start gamble at Gamble NPC
; * Char_GambleGoldStop => Gold amount to stop gamble at Gamble NPC (>200k)
; * Char_GambleDelay => Delay before scan & iding, dont go below 600...
; * Char_IpFinderLastByte1,2,3 => Last byte of the server you are looking for.
; If good server is detected the bot will repeat the Precast Sequence Over &
; Over: thats means you need to have "cast in town" sequence to allow IDLE.
; As example Holy shield for pala, frozen armor for sorce, or others... Usage
; is No to ALL if you are NOT looking for a specific server. However put simple
; Bytes (ie: 66) if you search server(s). You can check up to 3 different IP.
; * Char_IpFinderExecutable => Name of the executable/script to launch when IP
; is found. (ie: MyWav.wav or MyScript.bat...)
; * Char_IpFinderExecutablePath => full path of the executable (ie: C:\MyFolder)
; NOTE: D2 window is re-maximized once your script/wav terminated to properly
; continue the IDLE using Precast to prevent bot focuse loose. Dont use a script
; or sound that runs too long. If ip found splash screen will spawn automaticly.
; NOTE: Make D2Clone appears at Eldtich and carry him to Shenk (easy kill).
Char_StashGold = 300000
Char_GambleItem = Circlets
Char_GambleGoldStart = 1100000
Char_GambleGoldStop = 300000
Char_GambleDelay = 1200
Char_IpFinderLastByte1 = No
Char_IpFinderLastByte2 = No
Char_IpFinderLastByte3 = No
Char_IpFinderExecutable = No
Char_IpFinderExecutablePath = No

; * Char_MiniFreeSpaces => At how much free spaces letf in inventory the bot
; will stop. Never let the bot continue to run while inventory & stash are full.
; NOTE: If you make multiple monsters and pickup rare you should have 24+ !
; If you are only pickup few uniques you can decrease the value to 12-16.
; * Char_ForceRepairCycle => Will force a repair to Larzuk every xx runs.
; If value = 0 auto check repair is activated at the start of each run.
; Damaged armors/Helms/etc... And -melee- weapons are automaticly detected.
; Its recommended to force/define a cycle, since the auto check burn ~500 ms
; If you have a sorce give 100 (repair every 100 runs...It's an example.)
Char_MiniFreeSpaces = 24
Char_ForceRepairCycle = 100

; * Char_Key_Switch => The key you use to switch weapons (CTA or Eshield Switch)
; * Char_Key_AutoMap => The keyboard key you use to show the automap
; * Char_Key_Inventory => The keyboard key you use to view inventory
; * Char_Key_ShowItems => The keyboard key you use to view items on the floor
; * Char_Key_PotionsRow1 => Key for Potion 1 (from left to right)
; * Char_Key_PotionsRow2 => Key for Potion 2 (from left to right)
; * Char_Key_PotionsRow3 => Key for Potion 3 (from left to right)
; * Char_Key_PotionsRow4 => Key for Potion 4 (from left to right)
; NOTE : Example of keys: <SPACE>, <SHIFT>, <ALT>, <CTRL>, <F1>, <z>, <6>...
; NOTE : Use -simple- keys like SPACE or a, b, c, z.. instead of F1, F2, ALT
; if you are experiencing problems. Because -simple- keys can be more 'fast'.
; NOTE : Only rejuvenations potions are picked & recongnized by the BOT
; => Fill up the belt with REJUV or FULL REJUV potions only.
; => If you want only drink full rejuvs go to the Xrare section of mm.PkId.ini.
Char_Key_Switch = w
Char_Key_AutoMap = TAB
Char_Key_Inventory = i
Char_Key_ShowItems = ALT
Char_Key_PotionsRow1 = 1
Char_Key_PotionsRow2 = 2
Char_Key_PotionsRow3 = 3
Char_Key_PotionsRow4 = 4
[Advanced Settings]
; If you dont know leave these settings as default.
; * (A)D2_FastClickDelaysRange = <mini>,<maxi> => Fast Clicks are most "actions"
; clicks like attacks, moves, hide mouse...etc.. this is the randomized time
; from <mini> to <maxi> in milliseconds mouse will be pressed: down,delay,up.
; * (B)D2_SlowClickDelaysRange = <mini>,<maxi> => Slow Clicks category, same thing
; as above, but this concern only slow speed required delays like out-of-game
; menus, Npc menus, repair button...etc...
; * ©D2_MouseClickDownDelay => Length a click is held down before release (ms).
; This delay is the autoit minimum press time for all clicks.
; * (D)D2_SendKeyDownDelay => Length a key is held down before release (ms).
; This delay is the autoit minimum press time for all keys.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; All these delays can be tweaked to fix problems OR to increase performances:
; => Total Click time = © + (A OR B) + little value (internal & randomized)
; => Total Press Key time = (D) + little value (internal & randomized)
; D2 game have a worst sensivity for clicks and keypresses on low speed comps.
; Increasing a few © or/and (D) if you think the game does not receive
; properly the clicks/keys orders, Also search around for all others settings
; like delays in sequences.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Test these delays if you need speed: A = 10,15, B = 120,140, C & D = 15
D2_FastClickDelaysRange = 20,30
D2_SlowClickDelaysRange = 120,140
D2_MouseClickDownDelay = 20
D2_SendKeyDownDelay = 20

; If you dont know leave these settings as default.
; * Char_CheckMoveDelay => End of move detection Delay; more is low, more it
; will increase moves reactivity. If too much low the interacts or moves can
; become erratics...(milliseconds). Only concern walk/run moves
; - Try - values starting from 80 to 300 with steps of 20
; * Char_NpcMenuDelay => A small delay after stop move when focusing an NPC
; the time to get his menu appears (varies, ms) And focus time on the menu.
; - Try - values starting from 300 to 600 with steps of 50
; * ItemFocusDelay => time to wait before starting an iding scan, too much low
; delay can cause iding errors, too much high is time loss. >5 and <200.
; Usually is as low as computer is fast.
; * Weot_MiniDelay => When using the WEOT command: Minimum delay to wait before
; starting to check if the teleport was done or not. >100 and <600
; * Weot_ScanDelay => When using the WEOT command: Delay between each scan. A
; scan serve to check if teleport was effective or not. >40 and <500
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Test this delay if you need speed: Char_CheckMoveDelay = 100
; If you got a sorce with fast cast rate test this: Weot_MiniDelay = 350 !
Char_CheckMoveDelay = 120
Char_NpcMenuDelay = 600
ItemFocusDelay = 50
Weot_MiniDelay = 500
Weot_ScanDelay = 100

; MISC & SPECIAL OPTIONS (some of them deserve support)
; If you dont know leave these settings as default.
; * BotProcessPriority => can be: Normal or Medium or High; default is medium
; but you can select High if you need more iding & pickit speed.
; ATTENTION: This option boost seriously the bot and all delays are impacted.
; * D2_RunStartKey => You can specify a Key that will be pressed at the
; start of each run. Designed to clear all messages from MapHack or any module.
; Must be done when third programs/hacks are used and disturb the bot due to
; screen messages. Leave it to <No> to dont use this option.
; * Misc_ByPassCheckCorpse => ByPass the Check of Corpse <Yes> ONLY if you are
; immortal... Maybe HC. This one will cute ~500 ms of game run time.
; * D2_PickitRescans => number of screen scans after the last pickup (pickit)
; * D2_PickitMaxRetries => max number of clicks done in a whole pickit action.
; * D2_SlowIntMDelay => Mouse Move speed for slow actions (fastest is 0)
; * D2_FastIntMDelay => Mouse Move speed for fast actions (fastest is 0)
; * D2_IdingMouseSpeed => Same thing as D2_Slow/FastIntMDelay usually at the
; same speed than D2_FastIntMDelay, But if you get iding errors set it to 2.
; * D2_MouseClickDelay => Length of the brief pause in between mouse clicks.
; * D2_SendKeyDelay => Length of the brief pause in between sent keystrokes.
; * LogScanDrop => <Yes> or <No> Will log all scanned on the grounds.
; * LogPicked => <Yes> or <No> Will log all picked/clicked on the ground items.
; * LogSold => <Yes> or <No> Will log all sold items and their statistics.
; * SleepMouseMoves => <Yes> or <No> If yes will move the mouse while sleep.
; * D2_WName => Name of the Diablo II window that the bot will look for.
; * D2_Executable => Name the the Diablo II executable file.
; * D2_CmdParameters => Diablo II executable parameters.
; * D2_SplashBotTitle => Defaut title you want for the bot splash window.
; * If you set nothing (default) title will be [email=Username@Computername]Username@Computername[/email] .
; * Bot_STOP_HotKey => HotKey that stop the bot, default is END
; * Bot_PAUSE_HotKey => HotKey that pause the bot, default is PAUSE
; * Bot_INILOAD_HotKey => HotKey that load .ini settings, default is INS
; (Insert key): Near all settings are reloaded, include PkId & Sequences !
; Note: Do not execute the INILOAD while attacking monsters... O_o
BotProcessPriority = Medium
D2_RunStartKey = No
Misc_ByPassCheckCorpse = No
D2_PickitRescans = 1
D2_PickitMaxRetries = 8
D2_SlowIntMDelay = 2
D2_FastIntMDelay = 1
D2_IdingMouseSpeed = 1
D2_MouseClickDelay = 5
D2_SendKeyDelay = 5
LogScanDrop = Yes
LogPicked = Yes
LogSold = Yes
SleepMouseMoves = Yes
D2_WName = Diablo II
D2_Executable = Diablo II.exe
D2_CmdParameters = -w -ns -lq -direct -txt -title "Diablo II"
D2_SplashBotTitle =
Bot_STOP_HotKey = END

11/02 20:11:56 [E]> User had item at the 0,0 left side of inventory. Stop.
11/02 20:12:08 [I]>
11/02 20:12:08 [I]> ========================================
11/02 20:12:08 [I]> mm.BOT.543B3 was launched for Battle mode.
11/02 20:12:08 [I]> ========================================
11/02 20:12:08 [I]>
11/02 20:12:08 [I]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded.
11/02 20:12:11 [I]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was successful!
11/02 20:12:11 [I]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
11/02 20:12:20 [I]> PKID loaded 375 XUniques statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 12813 XRares statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 32 Sets statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 54 Grays statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Whites statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:28 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Magics statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:45 [I]> PKID loaded 13274 Total statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 257 XUniques items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 508 XRares items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 30 Sets items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 35 Grays items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Whites items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Magics items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:48 [I]> PKID loaded 830 Total items to pickup.
11/02 20:12:53 [E]> Error while reading the mm.BOT.Sequences.ini; CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Eldritch. CMDO command doesnt exists or is badly formatted.
11/02 20:12:53 [E]> Error while reading the mm.BOT.Sequences.ini; CL_Sorc_Attack_Eldritch. CMDO command doesnt exists or is badly formatted.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pre_Cast with 10 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Goto_Eldritch_Wp with 2 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_GoTo_Eldritch with 13 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Pre_Attack_Eldritch with 7 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Attack_Eldritch with 7 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded CL_Sorc_Eldritch_Pickit with 9 commands.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> SEQUENCER loaded 6 Total sequences.
11/02 20:12:53 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
11/02 20:12:57 [I]> Exiting from D2 with normal escape keys sequence...
11/02 20:13:08 [I]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
11/02 20:13:09 [I]> Diablo II processes closed successfully.
11/02 20:13:10 [I]> Diablo 2 will be launched with these parameters:
11/02 20:13:10 [I]> C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -ns -lq -direct -txt -title "Diablo II" (title: Diablo II)
11/02 20:13:29 [I]> Bot process priority: Medium speed.
11/02 20:13:29 [I]> Diablo II started.
11/02 20:13:38 [I]> Login done.
11/02 20:13:41 [I]> Character selected.
11/02 20:13:41 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 Started. [Games created yet: 1]
11/02 20:13:55 [I]> Game Created successfully.
11/02 20:13:56 [I]> Starting from Act5.
11/02 20:13:58 [I]> Inventory reference:
== Inventory: ==
o o o o o o o + + +
o o o o o o o + + +
o o o o o o o + + +
o o o o o o o + + +
11/02 20:13:58 [I]> Inventory: 12 used 1*1 spaces.
11/02 20:14:13 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:15 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:16 [E]> Failed while searching the block: BRC 70 -330
11/02 20:14:18 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:19 [E]> Failed while searching the block: BRC 70 -330
11/02 20:14:20 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:21 [E]> Failed while searching the block: BRC 70 -330
11/02 20:14:22 [W]> Retry a missed teleport.
11/02 20:14:23 [E]> Failed while searching the block: BRC 70 -330
11/02 20:14:23 [E]> Teleport failed.
11/02 20:14:23 [W]> Sequence exit required. SEQ8 => WEOT . 1200 . 0
11/02 20:14:23 [E]> Failed or Fast exit required while applying CL_Sorc_GoTo_Eldritch sequence.
11/02 20:14:27 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 : Game duration: 31.9 seconds.
11/02 20:14:27 [E]> Emergency stop: first run creation failed.
11/02 20:14:27 [I]> The first run must return successful status everytime.
11/02 20:30:08 [I]>
11/02 20:30:08 [I]> ========================================
11/02 20:30:08 [I]> mm.BOT.543B3 was launched for Battle mode.
11/02 20:30:08 [I]> ========================================
11/02 20:30:08 [I]>
11/02 20:30:08 [I]> Autoit Options, mm.BOT.ini, and HotKeys loaded.
11/02 20:30:11 [I]> Compilation by mmcl.PKID.Compiler.exe was successful!
11/02 20:30:11 [I]> Empty Inventory, Stash, Npc, Cube, and Belt references loaded.
11/02 20:30:16 [I]> PKID loaded 375 XUniques statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 12813 XRares statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 32 Sets statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 54 Grays statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Whites statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:20 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Magics statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:27 [I]> PKID loaded 13274 Total statistics in iding database.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 257 XUniques items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 508 XRares items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 30 Sets items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 35 Grays items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Whites items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 0 Magics items to pickup.
11/02 20:30:29 [I]> PKID loaded 830 Total items to pickup.

I am using full tal, 2x30% mf ring(nagels), 40% mf glove(chanseguard), 42% mf boot(Wartrav), P diament lidless, and i got 75% lightning resist.
My merc using Shaftop, 7-8-19 gaze, and Viperfork.
Do i really need tresher troll?

Plz can u help me and say what i am wrong, when i am cliking on for lauch the box, it is ok, but after it is saying me 2 error...

Messages In This Thread
I just go and die... - by Winzy916 - 11-03-2005, 12:01 PM
I just go and die... - by kijer - 11-04-2005, 09:58 AM

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