11-06-2005, 11:30 PM
black_aRR Wrote:Alrite, I have a lvl 77 Smiter. Skills Are max according to teh guide in the stickys.
My Gear is:
Gulliaumes Face
188 uped umed HoZ
38/375 Grief
Duress Wire Fleece
14str Dracs (i forgot the leech)
Raven frost and Natures peace
38/14 dungos
My resist is poop. I think it is 17/47/52/42. I dont want to rid of my helm due to the huge bonus in crushing blow, but I need to find resist somewhere. I thought about putting an um in the helm, but that is still not enough.
Please I need advice of where I should switch out something. FYI I spent nearly all my items on my current build. All I have left to trade is a Gul Rune and a spare natures peace. So I dont think a Maras is reachable.
Thanks in advance
If You want this char to be for ubers only, then You might as well sell the Grief. My Smiter uses Heaven's Light. 60%IAS, 33% CB, +3 Pala skills, and it's dead cheap. Highlord's is a good choice. Perhaps try Fortitude for armor. There's no point in having dual Ravens. My advice would be to ditch the Nature's Peace and go for even a Dwarf Star (extra life + fire absorb) or a rare ring with nice mods. The armor isn't all that important, nor are the resists (unless they are in the minus). You have to switch to Salvation anyway when fighting Übermeph. I did another Tristrun last night, with much worse equipment, because I had traded most of my good stuff away (my smiter is for Ubers ONLY). I did it on players 2, and it took less than 5 minutes, I also died once...