11-10-2005, 11:42 PM
Oresama Wrote:I plain don't agree with facism, but whatever floats your boat, because it will never arise again.
Communism WAS a good idea. shame it would never work. same goes with facism.
I disagree. I think that Communism is a damn stupid idea. I mean why the hell would You want to share wealth? Are You trying to say that people with 10 years of university education, such as doctors, should be earning the same amount as some road worker that has 6 years of secondary school? I think that's pretty stupid. I don't believe that I need to stress the difference in work stress and positions of responsability.
No political system will ever work in practise, because of human imperfection. Have You ever heard this quote, I think that it was by Winston Churchill.
"Democracy is an awful political system, but it's the best one that we've come up with this far"