Personally i think the story with the repairing it`s not true,although i`ve tried it and got ist and um and w/o reapairing i got io.I have heard the rumor with the repairing from a guy who said he got and ELD from hell hellforge which is impossible.Highest rune i`m sure it`s gul(heard it from supermoderaters).The thing with the repaired hammer it`s just luck(it doesn`t increase ur chances of gettin a higher rune) and how Metalhead said there`s 1/11 chance that any rune from hel to gul will drop so it`s just a matter of luck.I think this cleared all doubts bout hellforge.
Oh and by the way magic find does NOT increase ur chance of gettin higher runes and it doesn`t work with hellforge.I said this cause i`ve heard guys asking if mf influences rune drops.With runes it`s just a matter of luck
Oh and by the way magic find does NOT increase ur chance of gettin higher runes and it doesn`t work with hellforge.I said this cause i`ve heard guys asking if mf influences rune drops.With runes it`s just a matter of luck