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Roc + ttf cd key for runescape stuff!
If you didn't see my post in small talk I'm in dire need of runescape items for my clan that I am trying to start. I have around 23 members that are active everyday and it is getting to expensive for me to support them. I know there are a few of you out there that have items efficient for a clan the size of this one and have no other use for them so If possible i am trading my roc and tft cd keys for runescape items seeing as the cd keys cost around 30$ please make the runescape offer generous. either items or an account. Please send me a private message I might not be coming back to check the replies. thanks a ton Big Grin

oh yea im a member so member items always accepted.

p.s. feel free to donate and give stuff for free even if you don't need the cd key thanks.

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Roc + ttf cd key for runescape stuff! - by fusion50 - 11-23-2005, 03:46 PM

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