03-27-2004, 02:07 PM
Ahhh yes... but now my necro is level 65, and his mastery is 29 (I made a miss-calculation in the max level) and his mages are at level 29 (With an estimated 250 damage each) and his melee skeletons are at level 29, they do around 303-306 damage without Amp... and then there is my fire golem with a level 12 (or 10) mastery, and he is level 12 (or 10) also... Then there is his revives... 12 of them... and summon resist is lvl 14 (or 12... sorry I have bad memory) so all summons have atleast 60 resist in all resistant... type places... (Sorry can't think of the word) but anyway the point is! Skeletons don't do 2,000 damage EACH... but they do! They do... do well over 4,500 damage all together... this is however without Amp on... with Amp on they would do well over 10,000 damage all together.... (I have 11 melee skeletons and 11 magi's...
But anyway the point that I am trying to reach is that they do not do 2,000 damage each... but in a large group they do WELL over 10,000 damage (that is with amp on... but this is just a rough estimate.)
But anyway the point that I am trying to reach is that they do not do 2,000 damage each... but in a large group they do WELL over 10,000 damage (that is with amp on... but this is just a rough estimate.)